Been crazy busy around here...How about you?
My Man's Mom was very ill and he was off tending to her. She is on the mend, but far from out of the woods. Prayers for her if you please. My middle son flew the coop...again. I gained a room...again.
We have some other, more personal things we are working through as well. Life is full of mixed blessings, isn't it?
Last year, I taught a lot and did few shows, this year, doing the opposite. I have signed up for 6 shows, with apps pending on 3 more. Teaching only 3 classes this summer. Plus custom orders are consistently coming in...THANK YOU!!!!
Since this means I have literally hundreds of pieces to make...AND store until each prospective show. It was time to expand the studio space. I've created three specifically dedicated spaces for my work. (having a kid fly the coop has its upside) First, the studio you walk into as soon as out enter my house. It is now dedicated to painting and computer and business paperwork.
I dig my giant easels covered in old paint I scored at a Habitat for Humanity Restore.
My son and I moved furniture quite literally ALL day last Friday. Big heavy pieces. Pretty much shifted three rooms. Sheesh, was I worn out and irritated an old wrist injury. My tenacity pushed through and I worked my butt off all weekend, getting things shifted from one place to the other. Offloaded things on Craigslist, thrift store donation pile, vintage treasure pile to sell to antique dealers...on and on. Advil was my BEST friend on Saturday.
Happily transformed one bedroom...Now solely for sewing and doll assemblage.

This room is FILLED with loving memories as well. Pulling it together brought out many memories of my childhood and I shed some tears in the process. Much of my childhood, my Mom was single parent. It was tough on her, but she did it. My father was never around, I lost one grandfather when I was only 8 and my other grandfather was just never the warm fuzzy type. I was however surrounded by the LOVE of the women in my family. Despite my father's absence, my mom maintained that we should still have relationships with his parents. My paternal grandmother I affectionately called Dolly. Ironically, it was her two composition dolls that inspired my working with old dolls. The lamb quilt was mine from infancy. Made my a family friend of my Dolly. Being the only granddaughter for Dolly, she also left me her Wedding dress. I use to put it on as a young girl and prance around in it. I Lost my Dolly to Lung cancer when I was 17. I was devastated. For years, I have kept the quilt and wedding dress in the same storage bag, now they proudly grace my Doll room.

My late husband and I made the Moon cradle for our daughter before she was born. It's now doll storage!
Scored this craft table with baskets for 20 bucks on craigslist. I love craigslist.

My Maternal grandmother I call Nana. We are blessed to still have her with us. I spent a couple weeks each summer at each of my grandmother's homes. Nana worked full time, but I got to go to work with her on Thursdays, as her office was open half day and she mostly did paperwork. I LOVED going with her on those days. It meant helping with the filing, helping my great aunt (who also worked there) count pills in the back office (it was a medical practice). Then Nana always took me out to lunch at her regular coffee shop and we would go shopping. Nana was always my greatest cheerleader, we sang songs together, did crafts and she always had special treats at her house for my brother and I. She decorated beautiful cakes and every birthday growing up, she made my cake! Both my grandmothers, my Aunt Nancy and my Mom were highly creative women, literally doing everything from decorating cakes, bead/needlework, sewing, crocheting, gardening, ceramics, all kinds of arts and crafts. I was always encouraged to dream and create, each of these women giving me lessons, tools and extra scraps & jewelry baubles of this and that to use. None of them made their livings at art/craft. But SO much of what I do today, can be attributed to each one of them encouraging my imagination growing up. This room is dedicated to them. Though it was very painful to grow up without a Father, I cannot imagine life without the strong, independent women who influenced me and still do.
The Teddy Bear was my Mother's as a child. As were all the little dollies in the basket. The yo-yo clown made by a patient, gifted to me by my Nana.
The Fairy was gifted to me by my Nana, I LOVE her!!!
The shoes were my eldest son, Brandon's.
These were Dolly's Dolls, she called them Big Sister and Little Sister. I had them restored by a doll hospital. Still in their original clothes from the 1930's.
My garage is dedicated to storing art for upcoming shows, for soldering and doing wood/plaster work. Life is GOOD and I am grateful. Never underestimate the power you have at forming lives, encouraging your children, the young people that cross our paths and even our peers/friends. NEVER lose sight of your dreams and always strive to be the BEST version of YOU that you can be. Have a beautiful day!!!