
Wednesday, January 5, 2011


As I stood in the kitchen washing dishes last night listening
to Sarah Mc Lachlan, the song Angel came on.

It always brings me to tears.
This was one of the songs I had played at my husband's memorial.
Don't think it will ever play without me thinking of him.

Ironically, one of the projects I worked on yesterday
was a little dress form that had been done one way several years ago, 
but I was never quite content with.
It just never flowed for me.

In my classic form, if something isn't right, it gets changed.
She is my new winged angel.
Haven't given her a name yet.

Her Heart is free to soar.

I Love her now.

As one looks around my home, you find lots
of wings and winged things.

My Garden angel has been photographed so many times and her
pictures altered.
She was the header of one of my old blogs.

This year I acquired a pet parrot named Koro.
He is the cutest little love and as one might guess.
His wings are not clipped.
I don't have the heart to clip his wings.
After all, what good is a bird that cannot fly?

I too once felt like a caged bird at one time in my life.
Until I spread my wings and flew.

Today I am thankful for Wings.
The wings of angels, birds, butterflies and the wings of my friends
who are everyday Angels that lift me up when I forget to fly.



  1. Hi Lisa. I'm sorry for your loss. That is a beautiful song and I suppose fitting for one who is gone. I think of my son when I hear that.

    It's a new year and we go on, because we have to.::hugs::
    I love your little dresses and funny thing is I was cutting out a little dress from some of the cutting I took from sheets after cleaning out my linen clost. You inspire me to try to make a nice little dress, just for fun. Have a great week. Smile.

  2. I am so sorry. This song reminds me of my baby brother. I miss him so much. Prayers and love to you. Your winged angel is beautiful.

  3. This is one of my most favorite songs also, I think of my mom " in the arms of angels" as she was surrounded by cherubs and angels all over her home. I wear her angel necklace that she wore everyday. A treasured gift from my dad. It keeps me warm and close to her every minute of every day. You are such an angel Lisa and I am so thankful for our friendship!
    Your sweet little dress form is so pretty, have a sunny day!
