
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Alta Loma

 I live in Alta Loma.  It is part of Rancho Cucamonga.
Alta Loma, means Tall Hill.

Alta Loma basically was built on graded foothills.

About 1 mile behind my home is where the mountains start and I LOVE them.
Today in particular, they are sprinkled with Powdered Sugar.

My back yard is subterranean, 
so I have to go out front of my home too see the tip of Cucamonga Peak.

However as I drive my son to the High School every day, this is what greets us.

We call them "our" Mountains,
because, they mean Home.

From the High school, you can see all the way down into the Valley to the Saddleback Mountains,
This into the sunrise pic is Mt San Gorgonio.  But we can also see all the way to Big Bear too.

My son and I comment many times a week how cool it is too live
where we do so close to the mountains and get to see the Valley below us.

Especially in Winter.  So cal winters are the BEST.  The air is clean, the view is clear.
Not sure where the smog and haze goes, but who's complaining?

As a So Cal Native, I LOVE Winter here, Spring and Fall too.

Summer, not so much.

So, today I am thankful for where I live.
It is a nice town on a hill and my children
have thrived here.



  1. It's beautiful Lisa. Love it. Great pictures. Happy New Year!

  2. Great post! I like where I live too, Long Beach. Only takes less than a ten minute drive to go to my favorite place, the beach! I agree with you today, I too am "thankful" for where I live.

    Take care, Sue

  3. They are beautiful mountains! And with all that fresh powder makes it that much nicer. As I drive in to San Bernardino Co. everyday I enjoy seeing the mountain ranges that surround that county. Thanks for sharing..............Julian
