
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thrilling Thursday

Today I drove 1 1/2 hours south to the Urban barn where I met up with a Susan who custom ordered two Bling Babies.  She bought one from me at Chateau and wanted two more.

Both were made Blonde and to match her and one of her daughter's bedroom decor.

She was quite happy, which makes me happy!

I also met up with Dyanna Cooley of Broke Jewels
who also custom ordered some of my display trays.

Dyanna LOVES these as she sells mostly components and they
are perfect for displaying her TONS of metal pieces.

She said people always want to buy them, so we will see how it goes if
any of the 5 she has made by me sell.

I apologize for the crappy background in my photos, but I was in a hurry.

After I headed to meet Rita for lunch and a bit more Junktiquing.

Then I got home in time for my third Yoga class which I LOOOOOVE!

It was a PERFECT day!
I brought home treasures too!

I am just grateful today for Bounty.
Bountiful friendships, work and just LIFE!


  1. Hi Lisa, So sad I missed getting to see you today at Urban Barn...I got there after you
    left. OMG!!! Your stacked display trays are
    so "BEAUTIFUL" my absolute favorites were the ones with the sweet gold birds on top. Girly you rock!! I want trays too! Hope to see you soon...will you be bringing any to CHATEAU???

  2. The Bling Girls are so so cute! I love mine..... Ciao Rita

  3. I LOVE your grateful blog posts! I think they are really awesome and a reminder to all of you the importance of gratitude!!

    Take care,

  4. Lisa, your babies and custom trays are so great, you are amazing and I'm sure your customers LOVE them!!! OX Christie

  5. HI Lisa
    Love the bling girls and all your wonderfulness. Hope to see you at GF! Sorry about your hives...sometimes it's stress related too. I get them because of that. NOt pretty!

  6. I'm adoring these custom Tray Displays! Just discovered your beautiful Blog tonight... what a creative genius you are... so much inspiration ... the eye candy and creations are fabulous!

    Dawn... The Bohemian
