
Saturday, January 17, 2015

Belated Happy New Year

I hope this finds each of you into 2015 happy, healthy and rested. After the wild month December is, January's arrival is always welcome to me.

Have any of you come up with a word for your year? If you have, please share it, would love to hear how others are focusing on 2015.   Speaking of focusing...after MUCH internal debate....FOCUS is my word for this year.   Let year, I don't even remember if I chose a word and I certainly didn't stick to it if I did.

But so far, I am. Hey now, yes it is only 20 days or so into the new year and all of my resolutions are still sticking! Yay me! 

Any who, been listening and reading some fantastic creative business advice from many sources to aid me in this newfound or rediscovered? "Focus". I am so thankful for the free resources that come in the email from sites such as Lila Rogers, Tara Gentile, Thriving Artists, Corey Huff, Lesley Riley, Meg Auman, Handmadeology, etc. taking what I can use and applying it big time to my business. 

Getting ready for Glitterfest on February 28th and I cannot wait to share with you my class of Art is You, in Petaluma end of April. So honored and excited to teach with such esteemed artists at that venue. February 1st I can share. Can't wait! Hope some of you can make it to the best art retreat around. 

Here is a bit of what I did today for my workspace. streamlined = more focus. I'm not a huge messy artist. It freaks me out when things get in too much disarray.

Brought in a light from the garage so when it is dark outside and I lose natural light, I'm not straining because the other light source is behind me. This is my main workable. Just the corner of my studio. 

Rearranged the paint in my carts for easier access.

Picked up this fabulous wood garden carrier yesterday and thought, "hey, supply caddy, yes!"

My "bright idea" baby is happy here to helping me light my way. 

Made at least a hundred of these tray display pieces over the years and kept, made this one today for my studio and I love it! 

Painted this parasol this week. Having a parasol painting class in my studio next Saturday and can't wait.  The theme for this parasol stems from a lot of my introspection I've been doing business wise. In focusing, I've had to try to harness my creative schizophrenia. In doing so, it's made me think of what I love more than anything...COLOR.  Rich, vibrant, happy, glorious color...(and flowers, and dolls, and painting, and sculpting). See what I mean? Maybe my word of the year should be harness...or rein.  Lol. 

happy new year and do share what you have been up to and what your word of the year is, if you have one and want to! 



  1. Don't you wish we could take this feeling we get every NEW YEAR (motivated, inspired, determined,focused) and just bottle it and sip it slowly all year long.....Im right there with you Lisa, ya know we are not getting any younger and whatever or creative goals are we just need to go for it!!! Heres to a Healthy, productive, satisfying New Year !!!! XOXO

    1. Amen, vintage soul sister!!! Perhaps a regular planning meeting???? XOXO
