
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dia de Los Muertos Cross

I adore Dia de Los Muertos and what it symbolizes.
Some of my favorite pieces are of this subject matter.

A few months back, I acquired these really cool wooden
crosses.  They were plain and ready to be re-created.

Figured I would do some sort of Mexican Folk art on them.
Mojo hit and away I went.
First a base color.
Red or Turquoise, went with the later.

Had these baby heads that arrived broken due to poor packing
on the part of the shipper.
The heads were cracked leaving just the front part of the head.
They sat on my shelf for several months waiting for inspiration.
Then it finally came to me.
Dia De Los Muertos Babies...How FUN!

I thoroughly enjoyed creating this and have
the other to finish.

One for me and one for sale.
Going to submit it to an the DA Art Gallery in Pomona
for display in a collective exhibition featuring Day of the Dead
art for the months of October and November.

Have to get to work on my signature skull earrings!
Oooh, I am such a Gringa-Latina!


1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your Dia de los Muertos Ninas. Great work. You're wondering how I found you, right? It is a long route but I found you on the "Art Saves" site. Great story, BTW.

    Marrianna in Flagstaff, AZ
