
Friday, September 23, 2011

Art-Is YOU!

Been a busy week here in The Rabbit Hole.

Creating, sorting and our very favorite part before a show...

PRICING!  Woohoo!

Tomorrow is the Trunk show and TRUNKS are just what I am bringing...Almost!

I rented 3 tables for this event...THREE Tables?
What was I thinking?
Thank goodness  "Mister ROB" is being a good chap and coming with on the 7.5 hour drive.
LOTS fit into his Giant SUV that I always give him crap for driving
a gas guzzler.
(Though it will come in handy this fine weekend, indeed!!!)

Was about time I cleaned the studio of odds and ends that I am not going to use,
so 1 table will be my art, blah, blah blah and the other two
tables will be overflowing with Vintage Mixed Media Odds & Ends Supply Goodness!!!

Here are some samples...

Message Babies and a gaggle of Bling Babies too!

~Sculpted Eyeball Spiders~

~Helping Hands~
(Cause we all need one now and again)

~This and That~
(more doll parts, I see a theme here.  Dolly eyeballs too, but the pic came out blurry~)

LOVE old Viewmasters!
Before electronic hand held devices, this was our entertainment
on long car rides!
( still have 3 with several disks, my kids & visitors love them)

Lots of GOODIES!
Two suitcases of Vintage Lace, too!

Doll heads!!
(So, I couldn't resist putting some in the Ferris Wheel!)

Have a great weekend Peeps 
and hope to see you at 



  1. Love it all! Have a fun time and sell sell sell Principessa!. Baci

  2. Have a safe trip and GOOD LUCK !!!

  3. Hope it was good! I am loving those adorable clothespins! I'll take 1000! Do they really lend a helping hand? :)
    xo, Amber

  4. Amber...the helping hands are like magic fairies that clean your house while you sleep!
    I wish!!!
