
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Long Live Home Goods

A few weeks back, I had to get a few things at Michaels.
Ever so conveniently. Home Goods is right next door.
So, of COURSE, I had to go see if there was anything I couldn't live without.

Nope. nothing...although I spied this really cute pillow, shaped like the letter


Even though my daughter's name starts with that letter and it would look
really cute on her bed, did I really want to have to yell about yet
another throw pillow left on the floor in a heap of junk?

Nope, I set it down.  Emily and I go ROUNDS about her room.
It is pretty much always a mess.

On my merry way I went, feeling most proud that I didn't buy a thing there that day.

Fast forward to a couple days ago.
Back at Michaels...back at Home Goods.
This time, looking for jars.

As I make the store rounds, I see the "E" pillow is still there.
But this time, there is a letter "L".

Really now, what are the odds?
2 in 26 I'd say.
Okay, so maybe Emily DOES need one for her bed and I can get one for mine...
But wait...another letter materializes.

It is the letter "V", oh and dang the fabric on this one is SOOO CUTE!

Then the light bulb moment...I need an "O".
I could have the pillows spell out the word "LOVE".

So excited, I start talking to perfect strangers.
"Oh my gosh, look at these cute pillows, I only need an "O"..."

Now as Women we are so weird.  
Nothing can BOND or bring out the PREDATOR in a woman like shopping.
All of the sudden three different women are helping me dig in the clearance section looking for an "O".
What a bonding moment with perfect strangers.

Didn't find one, in fact, these were the ONLY three letter pillows in the entire store.
I remembered having some pretty cool round tufted vintage pillows at home.
One of those should suffice and actually Unite the set with a solid
Complimentary color.

So, here they all their LOVE-ly glory.

At Home on my Sofa!!

Long Live Home Goods!
Oh, and forgot to mention, clearance, $5 bucks each!!!


  1. love love love them.. what a great find..

  2. What a great post ! love the pillows, christie

  3. My favorite kind of story - a good find at a good deal and they are soooo cute!

  4. That is such a fun story~Love those pillows !!!!!


  5. So fun, Lisa! I LOVE that story, but more than that, I Love the final outcome. Those letter pillows are so dang cute!!!
    x, Val

  6. ha ha I saw some of the same letter and oh so wanted to find and "L" to finish "Love" off but to no avail. You are sooooo lucky.

    It is funny that women make short friendships while shopping. We all want a deal and want to help tee hee

    Your "LOVE" looks great on the couch..........

  7. I like the "o" better as a regular pillow! That is DARLING on your sofa! Your house must be amazing in person......Oh yea when am I coming over?????
