
Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I have been so remiss at blogging the past few weeks.
December 3rd/4th were spent in Fallbrook at Chateau de Fleurs.
One of my favorite shows I do 4 times per year.
It is always a JOYFUL show, full of wonderfully talented ladies, run
by two of the kindest and most giving artists, Christie Repasy and Rita Reade.
The customers are tops and sales always Rock!

Right after that I hurried home to get ready for another show on Saturday the 11th.
I was honored and actually quite nervous to participate in an Artisan Sale
and the DA Art Gallery in the Pomona Arts Colony.
It was my first foray into selling and a REAL Art Gallery.
And I was kind of intimidated at first, but it also
wound up being a lovely show, surrounded by talented artist and
as I knew only the curator, it was fun meeting new friends and customers.

So, this past Sunday became the breather day so we could start 
wrapping our brains around Christmas as our home wasn't decorated 
and not one gift purchased...EEK.

When to my surprise Rita calls me and says in her wonderful Italian accent...
"Chateau de Fleurs is in the new Romantic Country and guess who's picture they used???

How exciting, how honored...and what do I ask her...
"do I look fat?"

What a nerd.

So, after the fourth store I hit yesterday, finally found a copy at Ralphs!

Chateau deserves this.  
Rita and Christie are ethical and go above and beyond for this show. 

For me, I am immeasurably honored to have my booth as one of the
representations for Chateau de Fleurs. 

My friends Lori and Jamie Maritn of Two Wild Roses are the proud artists
behind the two bottom pictures.

What a Joyful way to end the New Year.
To top it off, my other TOP show that I do twice a year
is featured on the previous page...

Sheryl and Diane also go above and beyond
for Glitterfest.

I guess, the summation for this is that hard work and integrity pay off.
All of my fellow artists and the owners of these shows
work so hard to ink out a living making our art.
and it shows.

Thank you Fifi O' Neill for your beautiful Magazine
and thank you
Sunday Hendrickson for your amazing photography.
Sunday's Studio is also featured in this Romantic Country issue.

Go out and Buy it!
I've already read it cover to cover!

Happy Tuesday everyone!
11 days until Christmas...Yikes!


  1. Congratulations, how fun. Looks very nice. Happy Holidays.

  2. Lovely, and you don't look fat at happy for Lori and Jamie to be in it too!

  3. Good things happen to good people...ah hem! You rock, girl!

  4. Hi Lisa~
    I just blogged about you and the feature in Romantic Country. Come on over!

  5. So fun and such beautiful pages, Rita and Christie are just the BEST! Hugs and Hats off to you Ms. Lisa Loria!!!!!

  6. It is SO nice to see all of you get the recognition your deserve! Such a talented group of people! I'm happy for you all and can't wait to pick up my copy.

    Take care, Sue
