
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bling Babies in Rainbow!

Today I had a wonderful time with 5 ladies who took my Bling Baby class.
I was very sorry one of my students, Monica could not make it as she had a family month at my a class in my home studio!

Onto the pictures.

It is amazing to see each lady's vision come to life.
The different bases and dolls emerge with different styles and personalities
reflecting their creators.


Rita owes me a pic of her doll finished...





I LOVE teaching and some of these designs held some pretty challenging engineering, but thankfully Rita has a wonderful studio with POWER TOOLS, Yea Babey and a Darling Husband Dean
who hopped in and helped cut stuff for us as well as serve us a delicious lunch!

What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday!
Thank you Ladies for honoring me by taking my class!
Hope you all enjoyed yourselves and learned a lot!

Visit Rita's Blog for a really cool slide show of the day!



  1. I promise to finish my Bimbo Bling soon. I got some cool ideas in the middle of the night! Grazie for everything Principessa. Ciao Rita

  2. LOVE LOVE, Lori's victorian Baby! I wannnnnnnnaaaaaa make oneeeee!!!!! They all looked amazing! Glad you guys had a good day! Miss you, T

  3. Great photos and looks like you all had some good times! I'm so thankful for blogs, so I can see what goes on around me and in this business since I don't get out much! Also, LOVED the article about you in the magazine. You should be very proud of your accomplishments.

    Take care, Sue

  4. Awesome talent in that room! Thanks for sharing all the pictures.
    Hope to see you soon.

  5. Oh what fun you girls had, and the Bling Baby designs are just!! Love it! Claire xx

  6. Thanks teacher. We had a lot of fun. You are one talented artist. Poor Jamie her doll fell off the cage when we arrived at home. She owes you photos of the finished product.:)
    Lori & Jamie

  7. I am now seeing "bling babies" in everything ha ha Can't wait to finish mine up and start on another.
    Thanks for the fun class.

  8. OHHHHHH i love these babies, so wonderful to see what other ladies come up with, each one is FAB U LOUS!!! If you get a chance at doing a class with Lisa.... gotta do it!!

  9. i just love your baby bling dolls! i saw tammie's blog post about your class and i'm pretty sure i saw a few of your dolls at the Stampington office. Last year i made an Infant Prague in similar style on a birdcage from Michael's and around here, i think they find it "weird"! so when i saw your dolls, i felt a kindship that others like to build in such a way- made me happy!

